Protected Function qiangDu(ByVal productpassdan As String) As String
Dim len As Int16
len = productpassdan.Length
Dim count As Int16
Dim inputChar() As Char
inputChar = productpassdan.ToCharArray()
Dim number_re As Regex
number_re = New Regex("[0-9]")
count = 0
If (len <= 5) Then
productpassdan += " 密码太短"
For i As Integer = 0 To len - 1
count += findType(inputChar(i))
If count <= 6 Then
productpassdan += " 密码强度弱"
End If
If (count > 6 And count <= 12) Then
productpassdan += " 密码强度中"
End If
If (count > 12 And count <= 16) Then
productpassdan += " 密码强度强"
End If
If (count > 16) Then
productpassdan += " 密码强度超强"
End If
End If
Return productpassdan
End Function
Protected Function findType(ByVal inputChar As Char) As Int16
If (Asc(inputChar) >= 48 And Asc(inputChar) <= 57) Then '是数字
Return 0.5
End If
If (Asc(inputChar) >= 65 And Asc(inputChar) <= 90) Then '是大写字母
Return 3
End If
If (Asc(inputChar) >= 97 And Asc(inputChar) <= 122) Then '是小写字母
Return 2
End If
Return 4 '其他特殊字符返回5
End Function