寻找一个你喜欢的跟踪的站点或博客,或新闻站点,twitter feed,或者一个搜索结果。许多浏览器都会显示站点或博客上是否有Feed种子。在页面上寻找橙黄白相间或蓝白相间的图标,就可以很容易的判断。
网友发现使用该网站可以备份自己的博客,即自己订阅自己的博客,通过自己的邮箱备份自己的文章。使用说明:在主界面的Enter a website URL输入框中输入网址或博客页面地址;在Enter your email address输入框中输入邮箱地址。然后单击Submit按钮提交。最后,进入你的邮箱,单击链接确定订阅。
How does this work?
FeedMyInbox is a very simple service that attempts to bridge the gap between feeds (RSS, XML, Atom) and email. If you would like to know more about what a feed is, have a look at Wikipedia.
Only 3% of computer users are familiar with how feeds work, and are using feed readers to get up-to-date information from their favorite sites. We don't think the other 97% should be left out in the cold, so now you can subscribe to a feed with your email address.
Step 1
Find the site you would like to track, such as a blog, a news site, twitter feed, or even craigslist search results. Most browsers will display whether there is a feed on the page or not. Look for the orange/white or blue/white icons on the right side of your browser:
Step 2
Once you find a feed you would like to subscribe to, simply type in the web address (URL) for the site on FeedMyInbox.com. We will find the feed(s) available on the page, and you can select what you want to subscribe to.
Step 3
Once you subscribe to a feed, we will send an email to the address you specified. Simply click the link that is enclosed to confirm that your email address is correct, and you are all set!
Each FeedMyInbox email will have an unsubscribe link on the bottom. Simply click it to unsubscribe from a particular feed. Nothing else is required—you will be removed immediately.