已达到系统管理员配置的最大报表处理作业数限制!<br>在调试vs.net2005自带的水晶报表(Crystal Report)出现这样的问题,每次需要重新启功Vs.net2005,搜索了一下,发现有解决办法
quot; there is a registry key setting-<br>HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE;SOFTWARE;Crystal Decisions;10.0;Report Application<br>Server;InprocServer;PrintJobLimit(defaul" "已达到系统管理员配置的最大报表处理作业数限制!
在调试vs.net2005自带的水晶报表(Crystal Report)出现这样的问题,每次需要重新启功Vs.net2005,搜索了一下,发现有解决办法:
" there is a registry key setting-
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE;SOFTWARE;Crystal Decisions;10.0;Report Application
t 75)
You can increase this size. There are two registry keys both under the
Report Application Server. The InprocServer sets the limit for the number
of "open" reports even if you're not explicitly using the RAS (i.e. just
using the .NET Report Document component or CrystalViewer control- the
crystal engine *is* using the RAS behind the scenes). If you're using the
RAS explicitly, then you can set the same key under CrystalDecisions;Report
Application Server;Server;PrintJobLimit
Also, I was not "disposing" of my report objects after rendering them on the
web form. In the Page_Unload event, I implemented the
ReportDocument1.Dispose() method (not suggested/mentioned in any of the
sample code I have found or any of the books on crystal.NET I have read)
I have not had the problem since making these changes. I was cautioned
against raising the PrintJobLimit too high, however, as this can eventually
lead to serious performance issues, so be careful "
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE;SOFTWARE;Crystal Decisions;10.0;Report Application
还有一个HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE;SOFTWARE;Crystal Decisions;10.0;Report Application
Server;Server;PrintJobLimit 也修改为1000